Sentence examples of "her majesty" in English

Her Majesty is waiting. Su Majestad está esperando.
She opened the window, though I told her not to. Ella abrió la ventana, aunque le dije que no lo hiciera.
His Majesty is waiting. Su Majestad está esperando.
She loves the child as if it were her own. Ella quiere al niño como si fuera el suyo propio.
Tom asked Mary to mind her own business. Tom le pidió a Mary que se metiera en sus asuntos.
We weren't able to determine her whereabouts. No pudimos averiguar su paradero.
He gave her a piece of advice. Él le dio un consejo.
Her voice still rings in my ears. Su voz aún suena en mis oídos.
While we were discussing the situation, Terri broke in to give her opinion. Mientras discutíamos la situación, Terri nos interrumpió para dar su opinión.
She blamed him for all her problems. Ella lo culpó de todos sus problemas.
I will introduce her husband to you. Te presentaré a su esposo.
"Don't disturb her. She is at work right now" he whispered. Él susurró "No la molestes. Ella está trabajando ahora mismo".
I know her well. La conozco bien.
She asked her friend for advice. Ella le pidió consejo a su amiga.
Everybody likes her. Ella gusta a todo el mundo.
Her speech was excellent. Su discurso fue excelente.
Tom told her that he had written that poem two years before. Tom le dijo que había escrito ese poema dos años antes.
The chocolate cake tempted her even though she was dieting. La torta de chocolate la tentó a pesar de que ella estaba a dieta.
Did you drive her home last night? ¿La llevaste en coche a casa ayer por la noche?
Tom said he'd help Mary with her plan. Tom dijo que ayudaría a Mary con su plan.
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