Sentence examples of "his or her" in English

Every boss has his or her favorite employee. Todo jefe tiene su empleado favorito.
If a student and his or her professor bore each other, then both are wasting their time. Si un estudiante y su profesor se aburren el uno al otro, entonces ambos están malgastando su tiempo.
A child who is a native speaker usually knows many things about his or her language that a non-native speaker who has been studying for years still does not know and perhaps will never know. Un niño que es hablante nativo normalmente sabe muchas cosas acerca de su lengua que un hablante no nativo que lo haya estado estudiando durante muchos años no sabe todavía y que quizá no sabrá nunca.
Tom doesn't know either Mary or her sister. Tom no conoce ni a Mary ni a su hermana.
His love for her went unrequited. Su amor por ella no fue correspondido.
My sister got knocked up by a married man who's not going to leave his wife for her. Mi hermana quedó embarazada por un hombre casado quien no va a dejar su esposa por ella.
His smile put her at ease. Su sonrisa lo reconfortó.
He never fails to call his mother on her birthday. Él siempre llama a su madre el día de su cumpleaños.
His words moved her to tears. Sus palabras la hicieron llorar de emoción.
He did his best to help her. Él hizo lo mejor para ayudarla.
He risked his life to save her. Él arriesgó su vida para salvarla.
He did his best to rescue her. Él hizo todo lo que pudo para rescatarla.
He put his hand gently on her shoulder. Él puso gentilmente su mano sobre su hombro.
His talk distracted her from grief. Su conversación la distrajo de su pesar.
At long last he made up his mind to propose to her. Finalmente él se decidió a proponerle matrimonio a ella.
His mother looks young for her age. Su madre aparenta ser más joven de lo que es.
She advised him to tell his girlfriend that he loved her. Le aconsejó que le dijera a su novia que la amaba.
His constant insults aroused her anger. Sus insultos constantes encendieron su ira.
The father gave his own life in order to save her daughter's. El padre dio la propia vida para salvar la de la hija.
His sharp words seemed to hurt her. Sus crudas palabras parecían herirla.
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