Sentence examples of "however" in English

However that may be, I am wrong. Sea como sea, yo estoy equivocado.
You can do it however you like. Puedes hacerlo como quieras.
However much she eats, she never gains weight. Sin importar cuánto coma, ella no sube de peso.
However badly you want it, it will never happen. Por más que lo quieras, nunca pasará.
However busy you may be, you must do your homework. Por más ocupado que estés, debes hacer tus tareas.
Let's see each other again. Just not now, however. Volvamos a vernos otra vez. O sea, solo que no ahora.
I'll buy that old clock, however expensive it is. Compraré ese viejo reloj, a pesar de lo caro que es.
However hard she tried, she was unable to please him. Ella no podía complacerlo por más que intentara.
Institutions, however noble their missions, have failed to replace the family. Las instituciones, sin importar cuan noble sea su misión, han fracasado en reemplazar a la familia.
However fast you may walk, you can't catch up with him. Por más rápido que fueras a caminar, no podrás alcanzarlo a él.
I'd rather have a room of my own, however small it may be. Preferiría tener mi propia habitación, por pequeña que fuera.
I made up my mind to do the work however hard it may be. Yo me decidí a realizar el trabajo, sin importar cuán difícil pueda ser.
It was very pleasant. However, it would have been more pleasant if I had been able to speak English fluently. Fue muy agradable. Aunque, podría haber sido más agradable si hubiese podido hablar inglés con fluidez.
If you'd told me about it earlier, I could've been free. However, tomorrow I have plans to go back home. Si me hubieras hablado antes al respecto, yo podría haber estado libre. Como sea, mañana tengo planes de volver a casa.
However, I can't help noticing, at this moment, that at first glance it seems inevitable that the shark will devour the man. Como sea, no puedo dejar de notar que en este momento, a primera vista parece inevitable que el tiburón devore al hombre.
However, I recommend you to take the JR Narita Express (a train leaves every 30-60 minutes from the airport), to avoid the complexity of changing trains. Como sea, yo te recomiendo que tomes el JR Narita Express (un tren sale a cada 30-60 minutos del aeropuerto), para ahorrarse la complejidad de los cambios de trenes.
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