Sentence examples of "injured person" in English

The injured person wailed with pain after recovering from the anaesthesia. La persona herida gemía de dolor después de recuperarse de la anestesia.
My uncle was the only person injured in the car accident. Mi tío fue el único que salió afectado en el accidente automovilístico.
Tom was injured in a car accident. Tom resultó herido en un accidente de coche.
Just a word can do harm to a person. Una simple palabra puede herir a una persona.
Since he was injured in an accident, he could no longer walk. Desde que se hirió en un accidente, no ha podido volver a andar.
You're asking the wrong person. Le estás preguntando a la persona equivocada.
Nobody was injured. Nadie resultó herido.
Mary was wondering whether she counted for Tom as a mere word or as a real person. Mary se preguntaba si para Tom ella era una simple palabra o una auténtica persona.
They were badly injured in a car accident. Resultaron gravemente heridos en un accidente automovilístico.
I am a very sad person. Soy una persona muy triste.
I was injured while I was skiing. Me lesioné mientras esquiaba.
He is the only person that can do it. Él es la única persona que puede hacerlo.
Fortunately none of the passengers were injured. Afortunadamente ningún pasajero se lastimó.
He is a pleasant person. Es una persona agradable.
The only thing that matters is that you weren't injured. Lo único que importa es que no te lastimaste.
Tom is the happiest person in the world right now. Ahora mismo Tom es la persona más feliz del mundo.
My dog was run over by a truck. He was not killed, but his foot was badly injured. Un camión atropelló a mi perro, no lo mató, pero le lastimó seriamente las patas.
You are a mean person. Eres un tacaño.
The injured were carried to the hospital, and the dead to the church. Los heridos fueron llevados al hospital y los muertos a la iglesia.
He went there in person. Él fue allí en persona.
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