Sentence examples of "involve" in English

There are grammatical principles involved. Hay principios gramáticos involucrados.
There's a large risk involved. Hay un gran riesgo implicado.
He was involved in the trouble. Él fue envuelto en ese lío.
I was involved in the quarrel. Estuve involucrado en la pelea.
He admits being involved in the scandal. Él admite estar implicado en el escándalo.
The Prime Minister was involved in a scandal. El Primer Ministro estaba envuelto en un escándalo.
Don't get involved with bad men. No te veas involucrado con malos tipos.
Tom doesn't want to be involved. Tom no quiere estar implicado.
Dick was involved in a traffic accident. Dick estuvo involucrado en un accidente de tráfico.
Mastering a foreign language involves a lot of patience. El dominio de una lengua extranjera implica mucha paciencia.
Tom didn't want to get involved. Tom no quiso estar involucrado.
Tom was charged with drunken driving after he was involved in a car accident in Boston. Acusaron a Tom de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol tras estar implicado en un accidente de tráfico en Boston.
This job involves lots of hard work. Este trabajo involucra un montón de trabajo duro.
The discrepancy between the stories of the two parties involved in the accident was so great that the authorities had a hard time deciding which side was telling the truth. La discrepancia entre las historias de las dos partes implicadas en el accidente era tan grande que a las autoridades les costó decidir cuál de ellas estaba diciendo la verdad.
My uncle was involved in the traffic accident. Mi tío estaba involucrado en el accidente vial.
The dead man was involved in a fight. La víctima se vio involucrada en una pelea.
She seems to be involved in that murder case. Ella parece estar involucrada en ese caso de asesinato.
I came near to getting involved in a crime. Casi me vi involucrado en un crimen.
I don't think Tom was involved in the scandal. No creo que Tom estuviera involucrado en el escándalo.
Tom asked Mary about the accident that she was involved in. Tom le preguntó a Mary acerca del accidente en el que estaba involucrada.
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