Sentence examples of "is known" in English

She is known as the Japanese Picasso. Ella es conocida como la Picasso japonesa.
His name is known to everyone in our town. Su nombre es conocido por todos en nuestro pueblo.
Her name is known to everyone. Su nombre es conocido por todos.
Our city is known for its beauty all over the world. Nuestra ciudad es conocida en todo el mundo por su belleza.
Little is known of this curious plant. Se sabe muy poco sobre esta extraña planta.
He is known as a rock singer. Es conocido como cantante de rock.
It is known that Siamese cats are extrovert. Es sabido que los gatos siameses son extrovertidos.
He is known to everyone in the village. Él es conocido por todos en el pueblo.
Mustafa Kemal is known by many as the father of the Turkish nation. Mustafa Kemal es conocido por muchos como el padre de la nación turca.
This medicine is known for its miraculous healing powers. Esta medicina es conocida por sus milagrosos poderes curativos.
He is known as a great painter. Él tiene fama de gran pintor.
Little is known about Pluto. Poco se sabe sobre Plutón.
A tree is known by its fruit. Por su fruto se conoce al árbol.
He is known to everyone. Él es conocido por todos.
Health is a treasure, the value of which is known only to the sick. La salud es un tesoro cuyo valor lo conocen sólo los enfermos.
This song is known to everyone. Esta canción es conocida por todos.
His name is known all over the country. Su nombre es conocido en todo el país.
In general, little is known about nonlinear second order differential equations. En general, poco se sabe acerca de las ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales de segundo orden.
Mt. Fuji is known to everyone. Todo el mundo conoce el monte Fuji.
A man is known by the company he keeps. Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.
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