Sentence examples of "just now" in English

Tom came home just now. Tom acaba de llegar a casa ahora mismo.
We're very busy just now. Estamos muy ocupados ahora mismo.
I can't think of his name just now. No puedo recordar su nombre ahora mismo.
I've seen just now that the ambassador of Saudi Arabia has resigned. Acabo de ver ahora mismo que el embajador de Arabia Saudí ha dimitido.
He went out just now. Él se acaba de ir.
She went out just now. Ella acaba de salir.
It began raining just now. Acaba de empezar a llover.
The plane took off just now. El avión acaba de despegar.
Yes, but she left just now. Sí, pero ella se acaba de ir.
I met your father just now. Me acabo de encontrar a tu padre.
I arrived just now. Acabo de llegar.
I want you to take back what you said just now. Quiero que retractes lo que acabas de decir.
He left just now. Él acaba de salir.
He started just now. Apenas empezó.
Please accept my apologies for what I said just now. Acepte mis disculpas por lo que acabo de decir, por favor.
Paul telephoned just now. Paul acaba de llamar ahora mismo.
The woman with a baby in her arms arrived here just now. La mujer acaba de llegar con un bebé en sus brazos.
I can't help you. As a matter of fact, I'm very busy just now. No te puedo ayudar. De hecho, ahorita estoy muy ocupado.
They came home from school just now. Ellos acaban de llegar del colegio.
I got through with my work just now. Recién acabo de terminar mi trabajo.
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