Sentence examples of "killed" in English

The archer killed the deer. El arquero mató al ciervo.
Tom was killed by lightning. Tom fue asesinado por un rayo.
They killed a goat as a sacrifice to the gods. Sacrificaron un cabra en honor a los dioses.
They killed time playing cards. Mataban el tiempo jugando a las cartas.
Barbara was killed by Alister. Bárbara fue asesinada por Álister.
My cat killed a squirrel. Mi gato mató una ardilla.
The soldier was killed in action. El soldado fué asesinado en combate.
Tom has never killed anybody. Tom nunca mató a nadie.
Aaron was coldly killed by Mary. Aaron fue asesinado a sangre fría por Mary.
Bill was killed with a gun. Mataron a Bill con una pistola.
She killed him with a knife. Ella lo asesinó con un cuchillo.
Tom knows who killed his dog. Tom sabe quién mató a su perro.
A lot of soldiers were killed here. Muchos soldados fueron asesinados aquí.
Tom was killed with an icepick. Mataron a Tom con un picahielos.
He will be killed by his boss. Él será asesinado por su jefe.
The animals had to be killed. Los animales debían ser matados.
Tom was killed by a hired assassin. A Tom le mató un asesino a sueldo.
It was Alister who killed Barbara. Fue Alister quien mató a Bárbara.
The singer was killed by wild coyotes. El cantante fue asesinado por coyotes salvajes.
Elizabeth killed Alister in cold blood. Elizabeth mató a Alister a sangre fría.
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