Sentence examples of "knee jerk" in English

She dumped him because she thought he was a jerk. Ella le dejó porque pensaba que era un gilipollas.
Today I learned a lot of Spanish words and now I know how to say "cheek," "chin," and "knee." Hoy he aprendido muchas palabras españolas y ahora sé decir "mejilla", "barbilla" y "rodilla".
You're a jerk. Eres un idiota.
Tom fell and hurt his knee. Tom se cayó y se lastimó la rodilla.
He's such a shameless jerk. Él es un gran cretino sinvergüenza.
He scraped his knee in a fall. Él se raspó la rodilla en una caída.
Your ex-boyfriend is a jerk. Tu exnovio es un imbécil.
The boy fell and scraped his knee. El niño se cayó y se raspó la rodilla.
Tom shot Mary in the knee before he blew her brains out. Tom le disparó a Mary en la rodilla antes de volarle los sesos.
Since his hands were full, Tom pushed open the door with his knee. Como tenía las manos ocupadas, Tom abrió la puerta con su rodilla.
He knocked his knee against the chair. Se golpeó la rodilla con la silla.
He decided to play it safe and pull out of the tournament due to his injured knee. Él decidió protegerse y salió del torneo debido a su rodilla lesionada.
I played with the baby on my knee. Jugué con la bebé sobre mi rodilla.
He hurt his knee when he fell. Al caer se hizo daño en la rodilla.
Won't you sit on my knee? ¿No te vas a sentar en mis rodillas?
I took an arrow in the knee. Me llegó una flecha a la rodilla.
I'm pouring some anti-inflammatory cream on my right knee. Estoy echándome crema antiinflamatoria en mi rodilla derecha.
My knee is bleeding. Mi rodilla está sangrando.
Tom fell and scraped his knee. Tom se cayó y se raspó la rodilla.
He shot him in the knee. Le dió un disparo a la rodilla.
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