Sentence examples of "likely" in English

He is likely to come. Es probable que él venga.
He is likely to arrive soon. Es probable que llegue pronto.
It is likely to rain today. Es probable que hoy llueva.
He is not likely to succeed. Probablemente él no tenga éxito.
It is likely to rain again. Es probable que vuelva a llover.
He is likely to win the scholarship. Es probable que consiga la beca.
It's likely that she'll succeed. Es probable que ella tenga éxito.
He is likely to win the game. Probablemente gane el partido.
He's the most likely to succeed. Él es quien probablemente tendrá éxito.
He is the least likely to come. Él es el menos probable que venga.
This time Bob is likely to win. Probablemente Bob ganará esta vez.
He is likely to pass the entrance examination. Es probable que él apruebe el examen de acceso.
Such an accident is likely to happen again. Es probable que un accidente así ocurra de nuevo.
The president of the university is likely to resign. Es probable que el presidente de la universidad renuncie.
Tom will likely be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Tom muy probablemente sea dado de alta del hospital mañana.
Tom thought that Mary was likely to get the job. Tom creyó que probablemente Mary conseguiría el trabajo.
The longer the sentence, the more likely it is to be unique. Lo más larga sea una frase, lo más probable de que sea única.
The police didn't think it was likely that Tom had killed himself. La policía no pensaba que fuera probable que Tom se hubiera suicidado.
Today's weather forecast says that it is likely to be fine tomorrow. La predicción del tiempo de hoy dice que probablemente haga bueno mañana.
According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is likely to approach the coast. Según la predicción del clima, es probable que el tifón se aproxime a la costa.
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