Sentence examples of "look" in English

Look up the word in your dictionary. Busca la palabra en tu diccionario.
Look in the phone book. Mira en la guía telefónica.
Does it look cloudy today? ¿Parece nublado hoy?
These apples look very fresh. Estas manzanas se ven muy frescas.
Does this dress look good on me? ¿Me queda bien este vestido?
She promised to look into the matter immediately. Ella prometió revisar inmediatamente el asunto.
Are you happy with how you look? ¿Estás feliz con tu apariencia?
She couldn't look him in the face. Ella no pudo mirarlo a él a la cara.
Tom doesn't look his age. Tom no aparenta su edad.
What does an airship look like? ¿Qué aspecto tiene un dirigible?
I have to look for my pen. Tengo que buscar mi bolígrafo.
Look out of the window. Mira por la ventana.
You look like an imbecile. Pareces imbécil.
You look very beautiful today. Hoy se ve muy hermosa.
You look nice with your hair short. Te queda bien el pelo corto.
Let's look back on the history of the United States. Revisemos la historia de los Estados Unidos
We shouldn't judge people by how they look. No deberíamos juzgar a la gente por su apariencia.
Don't give me such a sad look. No me pongas una cara tan triste.
Did you go out last night? Because you look pretty bad today ... ¿Anoche saliste? Porque tienes mal aspecto hoy ...
Look that word up in the dictionary. Busca esa palabra en el diccionario.
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