Sentence examples of "looks" in English

Who looks after the children ¿Quién cuida de los hijos?
He looks down on women. Él desprecia a las mujeres.
Who looks after this dog? ¿Quién cuida de este perro?
Grandmother looks after the children during the day. Mi abuela cuida a los niños durante el día.
My grandmother looks after the children during the daytime. Mi abuela cuida a los niños durante el día.
It looks like a duck. Luce como un pato.
Mr Davis looks very tired. El señor Davis luce muy cansado.
Tom looks like his father. Tom luce como su padre.
He looks kind of pale. Él está un poco pálido.
Everybody looks up to Henry. Todos admiran a Henry.
Everybody looks up to him. Todo el mundo le admira.
He looks old for his age. Él luce viejo para su edad.
That dress looks good on you. Ese vestido te sienta bien.
He looks exactly like his brother. Él es idéntico a su hermano mayor.
He looks very vigorous, considering his age. Él luce muy vigoroso, considerando su edad.
He looks exactly like his older brother. Él es idéntico a su hermano mayor.
Do you know what Tom looks like? ¿Tú sabes cómo luce Tom?
A sleeping child looks like an angel. Un niño durmiendo es como un ángel.
My mother looks young for her age. Mi madre luce joven para su edad.
Tom looks like a tired old man. Tom luce como un anciano cansado.
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