Sentence examples of "lying" in English

They concluded he was lying. Ellos concluyeron que él mentía.
Tom thinks you're lying. Tom cree que estás mintiendo.
Was he lying on his back? ¿Estaba acostado boca arriba?
She was accused of lying. Ella es acusada de mentir.
He seems to be lying. Parece que está mintiendo.
Tom is lying on the sofa watching TV. Tom esta acostado en el sofá viendo TV.
He was punished for lying. Le castigaron por mentir.
Tom is lying to you. Tom te está mintiendo.
I found my dog lying under the tree in our yard. Encontré a mi perro acostado debajo de un árbol en su patio.
Mary punished her daughter for lying. Mary castigó a su hija por mentir.
He is lying on the sofa. Él está tumbado en el sofá.
He has no scruples about lying. Él no tiene escrúpulos para mentir.
Mary is lying to her father. Mary le está mintiendo a su padre.
In my family, the punishment for lying was severe. En mi familia, el castigo por mentir era severo.
They were lying on the grass. Ellos estaban echados en el pasto.
Tom doesn't believe Mary. He thinks she's lying. Tom no le cree a María. Él cree que ella miente.
Kate was lying with her eyes open. Kate estaba tumbada con los ojos abiertos.
The horse was lying on the straw. El caballo está tumbado sobre la paja.
A cat is lying in the sun. Un gato está tumbado al sol.
Are you sure that she's not lying? ¿Estás seguro de que no está mintiendo?
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