Sentence examples of "make believe" in English

Let's make believe we are ninja. Finjamos que somos ninjas.
She made believe that she was sick. Ella fingió estar enferma.
She made believe that she had not heard him. Ella hizo creer que no le había escuchado a él.
He made believe not to be hurt. Fingió no estar lastimado.
She made believe that she knew nothing about it. Ella fingió no saber nada al respecto.
And for more than an hour she made believe not to know what there was for dinner. Y por más de una hora ella fingió no saber lo que había para cenar.
Jane liked to make believe she was a teacher. Jane quería hacerme creer que era una profesora.
They make me believe I'm wearing the smallest size. Ellos me hacen pensar que estoy usando la talla más pequeña.
I talked a long time, and I managed to make her believe me. Estuve hablando mucho tiempo y conseguí que ella me creyera.
I could never make him believe what I said. Él nunca me creyó lo que le dije.
Don't underestimate him. Believe me, he'll make good on his threat. No le subestimes; créeme, cumplirá su amenaza.
You shouldn't believe everything Tom tells you. No deberías creer todo lo que Tom te dice.
Did you make it by yourself? ¿Lo has hecho tú solo?
I don't believe there is anything in the whole earth that you can't learn in Berlin except the German language. No creo que haya nada en toda la Tierra que no pueda aprenderse en Berlín, salvo el idioma alemán.
The French like to make fun of Belgians. A los franceses les gusta burlarse de los belgas.
I didn't believe him at first. Al principio no le creí.
I'm not always right, I just always correct you when you make mistakes. No siempre tengo razón, es solo que siempre te corrijo cuando cometes errores.
Some people believe that polar bears walk around freely in the streets of Norway. Luckily, it's just nonsense. Algunas personas creen que los osos polares caminan libremente por las calles de Noruega. Por suerte, son disparates.
I completely forgot to make something for us to eat. Olvidé completamente hacer algo para que comiéramos.
I can't believe that you were a cheerleader. No puedo creer que tú fueras porrista.
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