Sentence examples of "make up for" in English

It is difficult to make up for wasted time. Es difícil compensar el tiempo perdido.
We must work hard to make up for lost time. Debemos trabajar duro para compensar el tiempo perdido.
Lost time must be made up for. El tiempo perdido debe ser compensado.
Her genius makes up for her lack of experience. Su ingenio compensa su falta de experiencia.
What she lacks in charisma she makes up for with hard work. Lo que le falta en carisma, ella lo compensa con trabajo duro.
We must make up for lost time. Tenemos que recuperar el tiempo perdido.
You can make up for lost time by taking an airplane instead of a train. Puedes recuperar el tiempo perdido cogiendo un avión en vez de un tren.
If I could have a wish, I'd wish I could make up for lost time. Si pudiera pedir un deseo, desearía que pudiera recuperar el tiempo perdido.
Tom doesn't like women who wear way too much make up. A Tom no le gustan las mujeres que usan demasiado maquillaje.
I hope you'll make up your mind quickly. Espero que te decidas pronto.
Line up for lunch. Formen fila para el almuerzo.
She can't make up her mind whether to get a job or to go on to college. Ella no puede elegir entre conseguir un empleo o ir al colegio.
Tom has put his car up for sale. Tum puso en venta su auto.
I have to take a make up test in English next week. Tengo que presentar un examen remedial de Ingles la siguiente semana.
We have to stand up for minority rights. Debemos respaldar los derechos de las minorías.
Tom can't make up his mind. Tom no se puede decidir.
The job is up for grabs, now. El trabajo esta disponible para quien lo solicite, ahora.
Tom can't make up his mind whether to get a job or to go to college. Tom no logra decidirse entre conseguir un trabajo o ir a la universidad.
He was given up for dead. Lo dieron por muerto.
He couldn't make up his mind which course to follow. Él no conseguía decidir qué dirección tomar.
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