Sentence examples of "maybe" in English

Maybe they can be happy. Tal vez puedan ser felices.
Maybe he has lots of girlfriends. Quizá tenga muchas novias.
Maybe it's a trap. Tal vez es una trampa.
Maybe he will be a good teacher. Quizá será un buen maestro.
Maybe it's too late. Tal vez sea demasiado tarde.
Instead of complaining, maybe you should help. En lugar de quejarte, quizá deberías ayudar.
Maybe three to five days. Tal vez tres o cinco días.
Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. Quizá este mundo sea el infierno de otro planeta.
Maybe you dreamed of it! ¡Tal vez lo soñaste!
Maybe we'll meet him in the street. Quizá nos lo encontremos en la calle.
Maybe she forgot my birthday. Tal vez ella se olvidó de mi cumpleaños.
If the medicine isn't working maybe we should up the dosage. Si el medicamento no surte efecto, quizá deberíamos aumentar la dosis.
Maybe I know this person! ¡Tal vez conozca a esta persona!
"Bonanza" is not about bananas. Or maybe it is. It's a famous western series. "Bonanza" no trata de plátanos. O quizá sí. Es una serie del oeste famosa.
He's young, maybe too young. Es joven, tal vez demasiado joven.
What do you have to lose by asking her out on a date? A little pride maybe? ¿Qué puedes perder pidiéndole salir? ¿Un poco de orgullo quizá?
She's young, maybe too young. Es joven, tal vez demasiado joven.
Maybe in a different universe, our basic five senses are useless and we would require different senses altogether. Quizá en un universo diferente, nuestros cinco sentidos básicos son inútiles y nosotros necesitaríamos sentidos totalmente diferentes.
Maybe they both definitely want divorce. Tal vez ambos quieren definitivamente el divorcio.
Maybe in another universe, the physical laws are so different that everything from our point of view looks unfamiliar. Quizá en otro universo, las leyes físicas son tan diferentes que desde nuestro punto de vista todo es desconocido.
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