Sentence examples of "me" in English

You're always criticizing me! Tú siempre me criticas.
A girl appeared before me. Una chica apareció ante .
Will you help me translate? ¿Me ayudas a traducir?
He stole money from me. Él me robó dinero.
Don't make me wait! ¡No me hagas esperar!
His wife teaches me Italian. Su esposa me enseña italiano.
He made me his assistant. Él me hizo su asistente.
Have you already forgotten me? ¿Ya me has olvidado?
He won't beat me. Él no me va a pegar.
It seems interesting to me! ¡Me parece interesante!
An idea occurred to me. Se me ocurrió una idea.
Your imitations make me laugh. Tus imitaciones me divierten.
Why are you following me? ¿Por qué me estás siguiendo?
She always smiles at me. Ella me sonríe siempre.
To me, she's irreplaceable. Ella es irreemplazable para .
He called me a coward. Él me llamó cobarde.
Daniela called me at home. Daniela me llamó a la casa.
She asked me for help. Ella me pidió ayuda.
That person is like me. Esa persona me gusta.
You can count me out. No cuentes conmigo.
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