Sentence examples of "molecular weight" in English

Our genetic material is being constantly invaded by small egocentric molecular parasites. Nuestro material genético está siendo constantemente invadido por pequeñísimos parásitos moleculares egocéntricos.
The remark you made at the party about Lisa's weight was totally uncalled for. El comentario que hiciste en la fiesta sobre el peso de Lisa fue totalmente fuera de lugar.
We will study the underlying molecular occurrences of fertilization. Estudiaremos los eventos celulares y moleculares subyacentes en la fecundación.
I’ve already lost hope of her losing weight. Ya he perdido la esperanza de que ella pierda peso.
However much she eats, she never gains weight. Sin importar cuánto coma, ella no sube de peso.
Tom lost some weight. Tom perdió algo de peso.
Tom has to lose weight. Tom tiene que bajar de peso.
Tom is gaining weight. Tom está ganando peso.
I'm just worried about my weight. Me preocupa mi peso.
The ice is so thin that it won't bear your weight. El hielo es tan fino, que no aguantaría tu peso.
She was advised by him to lose weight. Él le aconsejó que perdiera peso.
Try to lose weight by jogging. Trata de perder peso trotando.
This product claims to help you lose weight. Este producto afirma que ayuda a perder peso.
You've put on weight, haven't you? Ha subido de peso, ¿verdad?
All these books will be worth their weight in gold someday. Todos estos libros valdrán su peso en oro algún día.
No matter how much she eats, she never gains weight. Sin importar cuánto coma, ella no sube de peso.
People who think that if they are to lose weight they must go on a strict fast. La gente piensa que no es grave bajar de peso rápidamente.
May I ask you what your weight is? ¿Le importa decirme su peso?
John has put on a lot of weight recently. John ha engordado mucho últimamente.
Have you lost weight? ¿Has perdido peso?
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