Sentence examples of "need" in English with translation "hacer falta"

Do I need to go there? ¿Hace falta que yo vaya allá?
They are in need of volunteers. Les hacen falta voluntarios.
She need not go there herself. No hacía falta que fuera ella misma.
I'm in need of money. Me hace falta dinero.
There's no need to apologize. No hace falta disculparse.
I do not need money now. Ahora no me hace falta dinero.
You don't need to go. No hace falta ir.
There's no need for violence. No hace falta la violencia.
You don't need to do that. No hace falta que hagas eso.
I didn't need to tell him. No hizo falta decírselo.
I didn't need to paint the fence. No hacía falta que pintara la valla.
You don't need to speak so loud. No hace falta que hables tan alto.
There's no need to cry like a child. No hace falta que llores como un niño.
You don't need to bring up the matter. No hace falta que saques ese tema.
There's no need to cry like a baby. No hace falta llorar como un bebé.
There is no need for you to stay here. No hace falta que te quedes.
Is there any need for me to go there? ¿Hace falta que yo vaya allá?
You don't need to come to work Saturday. No hace falta que vengas a trabajar el sábado.
There's no need to hurry. We have plenty of time. No hace falta apresurarse. Tenemos un montón de tiempo.
You didn't need to hurry. You got here too early anyway. No hacía falta que te dieras prisa. De todos modos, has llegado demasiado pronto.
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