Sentence examples of "nut chocolate" in English

The chocolate cake tempted her even though she was dieting. La torta de chocolate la tentó a pesar de que ella estaba a dieta.
Before screw the nut, you put a washer. Antes de atornillar la tuerca, mete una arandela.
Do you like white chocolate? ¿A usted le gusta el chocolate blanco?
The one and only dessert my son eats is chocolate cake. El único postre que come mi hijo es la tarta de chocolate.
What?! You ate my chocolate bear?! ¡¿Qué?! ¡¿Te has comido mi oso de chocolate?!
My favorite flavor is chocolate. Mi sabor favorito es chocolate.
They eat chocolate. Ellos comen chocolate.
I eat chocolate. Como chocolate.
You have to melt chocolate in a double-boiler so it doesn't burn. Tienes que derretir el chocolate al baño maría para que no se queme.
Break the chocolate into small pieces. Partid el chocolate en trozos pequeños.
I'd like to have some hot chocolate. Me gustaría tomar chocolate caliente.
The chocolate is going to melt if you keep it out of the fridge. El chocolate se va a derretir si queda afuera de la heladera.
As usual with young girls, Alice loves chocolate. Como es común con las muchachas jóvenes, a Alice le encanta el chocolate.
If I eat too much chocolate, I break out in pimples. Si como demasiado chocolate me salen granos.
I've never met anyone who doesn't like chocolate. Nunca he conocido a nadie que no le guste el chocolate.
Tom knows a woman who doesn't like to eat chocolate. Tom conoce a una mujer que no le gusta comer chocolate.
I bought the chocolate for Jim. Compré chocolate para Jim.
This chocolate is very sweet and tasty. Este chocolate es muy dulce y sabroso.
I like chocolate ice cream! Me gusta el helado de chocolate.
Tatoeba: Join the dark side. We have chocolate cookies. Tatoeba: únete al lado oscuro. Tenemos galletas de chocolate.
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