Sentence examples of "pile driver" in English

The bus driver told the pupils to keep their heads inside the bus. El chofer les dijo a los alumnos que mantengan sus cabezas dentro del autobús.
This car is a pile of rubbish. Este coche es un trasto.
A driver was sleeping in the car. Un conductor estaba durmiendo en el coche.
Tom has a whole pile of unpaid parking tickets. Tom tiene una pila entera de boletas de estacionamiento sin pagar.
I think he is a good driver. Creo que él es un buen conductor.
There was a neat pile of books in the corner of the room. Había un montón de libros en la esquina de la pieza.
The driver is responsible for the safety of the passengers. El conductor es responsable de la seguridad de los pasajeros.
I haven't had time to do the dishes for two days; they are in a pile in the kitchen sink. No he tenido tiempo para lavar los platos por dos días; están apilados en el fregadero.
My neighbor's son was killed by a drunk driver. Un conductor ebrio mató al hijo de mi vecino.
The driver ignored the stoplight. El conductor ignoró el semáforo.
A drunk driver was responsible for the car accident. Un conductor ebrio fue responsable del accidente.
Tom is a fast driver. Tom es un conductor veloz.
You are such a crazy driver; you drive me crazy. Eres un conductor tan loco; me vuelves loco.
Thanks to the taxi driver, we had a very wonderful time in London. Gracias a ese taxista, nos lo pasamos genial en Londres.
Tell the taxi driver to drive faster. Decile al taxista que maneje más rápido.
It was obvious that the driver had not been careful enough. Es obvio que el conductor no ha sido lo suficientemente cuidadoso.
The driver accelerated his car. El conductor aceleró el coche.
The driver advised us to fasten our seat belts. El conductor nos dijo que nos abrochemos el cinturón de seguridad.
I am waiting for my driver. Estoy esperando a mi chofer.
A bus driver is responsible for the safety of the passengers. Un conductor de autobús es responsable de la seguridad de sus pasajeros.
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