Sentence examples of "possessed" in English

He's possessed by a strange idea. Está poseído por una idea extraña.
As a kid I was possessed by a ghost. Cuando pequeño me poseyó un fantasma.
She seems to be possessed by an evil spirit. Ella parece poseída por un espíritu maligno.
Tom thinks that his computer is possessed by an evil spirit. Tom piensa que su computador está poseído por un espíritu maligno.
He is possessed with the ambition to rule over the world. Él está poseído por la ambición de gobernar el mundo.
The curves of her lips possesses something magic. Las curvas de sus labios posee algo mágico.
Happiness does not consist of how much you possess. La felicidad no consiste en cuánto posees.
The Koran, far from being inimitable, is a literary work of inferior quality, as it is neither clear, nor understandable, nor does it possess any practical value and is certainly not a revealed book. El Corán, lejos de ser inigualable, es más bien una obra literaria de calidad inferior, no es claro, ni entendible, y no posee valor práctico y definitivamente no es un libro revelado.
He possessed a large house and two cars. Él tenía una casa grande y dos autos.
My wife is possessed with the desire to buy a house. Mi esposa está consumida por el deseo de comprar una casa.
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