Sentence examples of "quite few" in English

Tom lived in Australia for quite a few years. Tom vivió en Australia por varios años.
Tom managed a small bar near Boston for quite a few years. Tom ha llevado un pequeño bar cerca de Boston ya por varios años.
After his wife died, he lived for quite a few more years. Él vivió varios años más tras la muerte de su esposa.
He received quite a few letters this morning. Él recibió muchas cartas esta mañana.
He has quite a few valuable paintings. Él posee muchas pinturas valiosas.
I know quite a few people who don't eat meat. Yo conozco a unas pocas personas que no comen carne.
Quite a few Americans like sushi. A sólo unos pocos americanos les gusta el sushi.
There were quite a few interesting things to see. Había muchas cosas interesantes de ver.
He has quite a few friends. Él tiene bastantes amigos.
The teen-age actress has quite a few fans. La actriz adolescente tiene bastantes pocos seguidores.
Very few people live to be 100. Muy pocas personas viven hasta los 100 años.
I quite agree to your proposal. Estoy bastante de acuerdo con tu propuesta.
The cut will heal up in a few days. La cortadura se curará en unos pocos días.
He's already been in the toilet for quite a while. Él ya lleva demasiado tiempo en el baño.
Only a few people listened to him. Solo unas pocas personas lo escucharon.
She is quite angry. Ella está bastante enojada.
Few people have two cars. Apenas hay gente que tenga dos coches.
I don't quite understand what you are saying. No entiendo del todo lo que estás diciendo.
From here to there there are only a few kilometers. De aquí a allí hay unos pocos de kilómetros.
I am feeling quite pleased about what you've said. Me siento bastante contento por lo que dijiste.
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