Sentence examples of "repair" in English with translation "reparar"

I can't repair the computer. No puedo reparar la computadora.
I myself will repair that machine. Yo mismo repararé esa máquina.
I will repair that machine myself. Yo mismo repararé esa máquina.
They have to repair their car. Tienen que reparar el coche.
Tom knows how to repair computers. Tom sabe cómo reparar ordenadores.
He has to repair the clock. Él tiene que reparar el reloj.
I'll have them repair my car. Voy a hacer que me reparen el auto.
I am going to have John repair my watch. Le voy a pedir a John que repare mi reloj.
It cost me 5,000 yen to repair my bicycle. Me costó 5.000 reparar mi bicicleta.
Can you get it repaired? ¿Tú puedes dejarlo reparado?
I got my bicycle repaired. He hecho que reparen mi bicicleta.
He repairs his own car. Él repara su propio coche.
His car has just been repaired. Su vehículo ha sido reparado recién.
My father repaired my old watch. Mi padre reparó mi viejo reloj.
The car isn't worth repairing. No merece la pena reparar ese coche.
This car isn't worth repairing. No vale la pena reparar este auto.
I had my radio repaired by him. Él me reparó mi radio.
Humans are healed, but machines are repaired. Los humanos se curan pero las máquinas se reparan.
I have to get my computer repaired. Tengo que mandar a reparar mi computadora.
It isn't worth repairing this car. No vale la pena reparar el coche.
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