Sentence examples of "scenery" in English

We gazed at the beautiful scenery. Contemplamos fijamente el bello paisaje.
The beauty of the scenery was beyond description. La belleza de aquel paisaje era indescriptible.
The scenery was beautiful beyond description. El escenario era indescriptiblemente bello.
We admired the beauty of the scenery. Nosotros admiramos la belleza del escenario.
We stood looking at the beautiful scenery. Nosotros nos detuvimos a observar el bello escenario.
The tourists were fascinated with the exquisite scenery. Los turistas estaban fascinados con el exquisito escenario.
The scenery of the Alps left a lasting impression on me. El escenario de los Alpes dejó una impresión duradera en mí.
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