Sentence examples of "scratching" in English

The sociologist has a habit of scratching his back. El sociólogo tiene el hábito de rascarse la espalda.
I want to scratch my nose. Me quiero rascar la nariz.
I was scratched by a cat. Yo fui rasguñado por un gato.
Have you ever scratched your back? ¿Alguna vez te has rascado la espalda?
Kouji was lucky; his traffic accident left only a minor scratch on the side of his car. Kouji fue afortunado; su accidente de tránsito tan sólo le dejó a su auto un pequeño rasguño en un lado.
He scratched his head out of habit. Se rascó la cabeza por costumbre.
When he thinks, he scratches his head. Cuando piensa, se rasca la cabeza.
I asked him if he would scratch my back. Le pedí que me rascara la espalda.
The doctor said you shouldn't scratch your wounds. El médico dijo que no te rasques la herida.
My cat purrs when I scratch behind his ears. Mi gato ronronea cuando le rascas detrás de las orejas.
My cat likes it when I scratch her behind the ears. A mi gato le gusta cuando le rasco tras las orejas.
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