Sentence examples of "sending" in English with translation "mandar"

Tom is sending a fax. Tom está mandando un fax.
I'm sending her to California. La voy a mandar a California.
I'm sending you this sentence when you least expect it. Te mando está oración cuando menos te lo esperes.
Send the kids to bed. Manda a los niños a la cama.
He sent me a present. Me mandó un regalo.
Tom sent Mary some flowers. Tom le mandó unas flores a Mary.
Did you send the fax already? ¿Ya mandaste el fax?
My brother sends you his regards. Mi hermano te manda sus saludos.
Judy sent her children to bed. Judy mandó a los niños al dormitorio.
He sent flowers to his mother. Mandó flores a su madre.
He sent me a brief note. Él me mandó un mensaje corto.
I sent you an e-mail. Te mandé un e-mail.
My parents sent me a postcard. Mis padres me mandaron una postal.
Even my grandma can send an SMS. Hasta mi abuela puede mandar un SMS.
She didn't send me any letter. Ella no me mandó ninguna carta.
Grandmother sent us a box of apples. La abuela nos mandó una caja de manzanas.
I told them to send me another ticket. Les dije que me mandaran otro boleto.
Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. Tom guarda todas las cartas que su madre le manda.
A secret fan sent her flowers every morning. Un admirador secreto le mandaba flores cada mañana.
Did you get the package I sent you? ¿Recibiste el paquete que te mandé?
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