Sentence examples of "senior business writer" in English

Tom asked Mary to mind her own business. Tom le pidió a Mary que se metiera en sus asuntos.
Kim was two years senior to him. Kim es dos años mayor que él.
Who do you think is the writer of this novel? ¿Quién crees que es el escritor de esta novela?
She took over the business after her husband died. Ella se hizo cargo del negocio después de la muerte de su esposo.
She is senior to me by three years. Ella tiene tres años más que yo.
He was a poet and writer. Él era un poeta y un escritor.
How's business? ¿Cómo va el negocio?
George is five years senior to me. George es cinco años mayor que yo.
My friends say I'm a prolific writer, but I haven't written anything for months. Mis amigos dicen que son un escritor prolífico, pero no he escrito nada durante meses.
Business is slow. Los negocios son lentos.
She is senior to me by six years. Ella es mayor que yo por seis años.
I consider him a great writer. Le considero un gran escritor.
Spies make it their business to know things that you don't want them to know. El quehacer de los espías es saber cosas que tú no quieres que sepan.
She is senior to me by two years. Ella tiene dos años más que yo.
Who's your favorite writer? ¿Quién es tu escritor favorito?
My father owns a small business in Fukuoka. Mi padre tiene una pequeña tienda en Fukuoka.
You must respect senior citizens. Debes respetar a los mayores.
I think he's a great writer. Pienso que es un gran escritor.
Donald Trump is a famous business person. Donald Trump es un famoso hombre de negocios.
Tom is two years senior to me. Tom me lleva dos años.
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