Sentence examples of "settling" in English

Fighting won't settle anything. Pelear no resolverá nada.
His second son married and settled down. Su segundo hijo se casó y asentó la cabeza.
Fear crept into my heart and settled there. El temor entró sigilosamente en mi corazón y se instaló allí.
Have you got settled into your new house yet? ¿Ya te has establecido en tu nueva casa?
Tom considered the problem settled. Tom consideró al problema resuelto.
Don't you think it's time for you to settle down? ¿No crees que ya va siendo hora de que asientes la cabeza?
He settled down in his armchair to listen to the music. Él se instaló en su silla a escuchar la música.
The problem is not settled yet. El problem aún no está resuelto.
We were able to settle the matter finally. Finalmente fuimos capaces de resolver el asunto.
I thought I could settle it by phone. Pensé que lo podría resolver por teléfono.
The countries concerned settled the dispute by peaceful means. Los países involucrados resolvieron la disputa por medios pacíficos.
We should not resort to arms to settle international disputes. No deberíamos recurrir a las armas para resolver los conflictos internacionales.
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