Sentence examples of "single bed" in English

Watch that no one is standing at the edge of your bed. Mira que no haya nadie parado a un borde de tu cama.
I doubt if Tom is single. Dudo que Tom sea soltero.
You prefer to go to bed. Prefieres irte a la cama.
If throughout your life you abstain from murder, theft, fornication, perjury, blasphemy, and disrespect toward your parents, your church, and your king, you are conventionally held to deserve moral admiration even if you have never done a single kind or generous or useful action. Si en toda tu vida te abstienes de asesinar, robar, fornicar, cometer perjurio, blasfemar y faltar al respeto a tus padres, tu iglesia o tu rey, eres convencionalmente considerado alguien que merece admiración moral, incluso si no has realizado ninguna acción generosa o amable o útil.
I forgot to turn off the television before bed. Me olvidé de apagar la televisión antes de irme a la cama.
Tom hasn't missed a single meeting. Tom no se ha perdido ni una sola reunión.
Tom stayed in bed all day watching TV. Tom se quedó en la cama todo el día mirando la televisión.
Love and flowers only last a single spring. El amor y las flores sólo duran una primavera.
Tom usually goes to bed just before midnight. Normalmente Tom se va a la cama justo antes de medianoche.
He was killed by a single bullet. Lo mataron con una sola bala.
She said she was ill in bed, which was a lie. Ella dijo que estaba en cama enferma, lo que era mentira.
Tom couldn't understand a single word of what Mary said. Tom no pudo entender una sola palabra de lo que dijo Mary.
He turned off the light and he went to bed. Él apagó la luz y se acostó.
I can't afford to waste a single yen. No puedo gastar ni un yen.
How much money do you have hidden under your bed? ¿Cuánto dinero tienes escondido bajo la cama?
The puppy's single good eye begs me for adoption. El único ojo sano del cachorro me ruega que le adopte.
He stayed in bed because he wasn't feeling well. Se quedó en la cama porque no se sentía bien.
We listened carefully in order not to miss a single word. Escuchamos atentamente para no perdernos ni una palabra.
John died in the same bed he was born. John murió en la misma cama en que nació.
In Japan almost all roads are single lane. En Japón, casi todos los caminos son de un solo carril.
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