Sentence examples of "soon" in English

We will leave as soon as he comes. Iremos apenas él llegue.
Please inform us as soon as possible Por favor infórmenos cuanto antes
Let's start as soon as he comes. Comencemos apenas él venga.
Please let us know as soon as possible Por favor avísenos cuanto antes
Give him this message as soon as he arrives. Dale este recado apenas él llegue.
As soon as he saw me, he ran away. Se fue corriendo apenas me vio.
Call me as soon as you meet up with him. Llámame apenas te hayas juntado con él.
As soon as I see him, I'll kill him. Apenas lo vea, lo mataré.
I will write to you as soon as I can. Voy a escribirte apenas pueda.
I'll call you as soon as I get to Chicago. Te voy a llamar apenas llegue a Chicago.
She began to cry as soon as she left the room. Ella se puso a llorar apenas salió de la pieza.
Tom jumped out of bed as soon as the alarm clock went off. Tom saltó de la cama apenas sonó la alarma.
As soon as you contact your friends, tell them that an avalanche is coming. Apenas te contactes con tus amigos, diles que viene una avalancha.
I'll lend you the book as soon as I'm done reading it. Te voy a prestar el libro apenas termine de leerlo.
I'll look over your essay as soon as I can find the time. Revisaré tu ensayo apenas encuentre tiempo.
Tom became popular among teenagers as soon as he made his debut on the screen. Tom se hizo popular entre las adolescentes apenas hizo su debut en la pantalla.
I'm so tired that I'm going to bed as soon as I get home. Estoy tan cansado que me iré a la cama apenas llegue a la casa.
Dinner will be ready soon. La cena estará lista en seguida.
Lunch will be ready soon. El almuerzo va a estar listo luego.
He will be back soon. Él volverá en seguida.
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