Sentence examples of "sound the alarm" in English

In France, we leave alone those who start fires, but we persecute those who sound the alarm. En Francia no tocamos a los que empiezan incendios, pero perseguimos a los que suenan la alarma.
I'll never forget the sound the crash made. Nunca olvidaré el sonido del choque.
The alarm clock wakes me at seven. El despertador me despierta a las siete.
An electric guitar doesn't sound the same as an acoustic one. Una guitarra eléctrica no suena igual a una acústica.
I won't wake up even if the alarm rings. No despertaré aunque suene la alarma.
The alarm sounded. La alarma sonó.
The alarm sent everyone rushing out of the room. La alarma sacó a todos corriendo del cuarto.
Tom heard the alarm. Tom escuchó la alarma.
The alarm rang and everyone rushed out. Sonó la alarma y todos salieron corriendo.
The alarm went off. La alarma sonó.
I'll set the alarm for seven o'clock. Fijaré la alarma a las siete en punto.
Tom jumped out of bed as soon as the alarm clock went off. Tom saltó de la cama apenas sonó la alarma.
The alarm rang and everyone had to evacuate. Sonó la alarma y todos debieron evacuar.
Turn off the alarm. Apaga la alarma.
You've got to set the alarm clock before you go to bed. Tienes que ajustar el reloj despertador antes de acostarte.
He set the alarm before going to bed. Él puso la alarma antes de irse a acostar.
The alarm went off at five-thirty. La alarma sonó a las cinco y media.
In case you sleep, set the alarm. Pon la alarma en caso de que duermas.
In case the alarm rings walk, don't run. Si suena la alarma camina, no corras.
The ground started to shake and the alarm rang. La tierra empezó a temblar y sonó la alarma.
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