Sentence examples of "take care" in English

Please take care of yourself. Cuídese, por favor.
We must take care of ourselves. Tenemos que cuidarnos.
I can take care of it. Yo puedo atenderlo.
I'll take care of it. Yo me encargo de ello.
Tom will take care of everything. Tom se hará cargo de todo.
I will take care of the flowers. Yo me encargo de las flores.
Take care and have a nice day. Cuídate y que tengas un buen día.
I'll take care of the bill. Yo pagaré.
We need to take care of this immediately. Debemos encargarnos de esto inmediatamente.
You should take care not to catch cold. Debería preocuparse de no coger frío.
Take care of yourself. Don't get sick. Cuídese. No se enferme.
Let me take care of that for you. Deje que me ocupe de eso por usted.
He does not take care of his children. No se preocupa de su hijo.
Who will take care of your cat then? En ese caso ¿quién se va a ocupar de tu gato?
It's your body, take care of it! Es tu cuerpo; ¡cuidalo!
We will take care of this for you. Nosotros nos encargaremos de esto por usted.
You must take care of your dog yourself. Tienes que ocuparte tú mismo de tu perro.
Don't worry. I'll take care of it. No te preocupes. Yo me haré cargo.
You are old enough to take care of yourself. Eres lo suficientemente grande para cuidarte solo.
Take care of yourself, and have a good time! ¡Cuídate, y diviértete!
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