Sentence examples of "tap dance" in English

Tom has never seen Mary dance. Tom nunca ha visto bailar a Mary.
Tap water is dangerous. El agua del grifo es peligrosa.
Tom wanted Mary to be his dance partner. Tom quería que Mary fuera su compañera de baile.
The tap is off. El grifo está cerrado.
The couple is on the dance floor. La pareja está en la pista de baile.
The tap is running. El grifo gotea.
Tom had no intention of going to the dance with Mary. Tom no tenía intención de ir al baile con Mary.
Tom turned on the tap. Tom abrió la canilla.
She sings, he plays the guitar and we dance. Ella canta, él toca la guitarra y nosotros bailamos.
You'd better not drink the tap water. Es mejor que no bebas del agua del grifo.
He wants to study music and dance. Él quiere estudiar música y danza.
Most Japanese drink water from the tap. La mayoría de los japoneses toman agua de la canilla.
We went to a dance last Friday. El viernes pasado nos fuimos a un baile.
The tap is dripping La canilla gotea
Tom couldn't find anyone to dance with. Tom no pudo encontrar a nadie con quien bailar.
Tom wants to dance. Tom quiere bailar.
I don't like the sun, I prefer the rain and dance under it. No me gusta el sol, prefiero la lluvia y bailar bajo ella.
I asked her to dance. La saqué a bailar.
On condition you are back by ten o'clock, you may go to the dance. Si vuelves antes de las diez, puedes ir al baile.
Would you like to dance with me? ¿Bailas conmigo?
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