Sentence examples of "tape" in English

He erased his speech from the tape. Él borró su discurso de la cinta.
This tape recorder is not new. Esta grabadora no es nueva.
The tape recorder has recorded his voice. La grabadora ha grabado su voz.
There's no tape in this camera. No hay cinta en esta cámara.
The tape recorder was lying on the table. La grabadora estaba puesta sobre la mesa.
There was a tape recorder on the table. Había una grabadora de cintas en la mesa.
The tape recorder is a useful aid to teaching. La grabadora es una ayuda útil para enseñar.
Please join the two ends of the tape together. Une los dos extremos de la cinta, por favor.
Seal the box with glue, and not with tape. Cierre la caja con cola, y no con cinta.
Go to the hardware store and buy a roll of insulating tape. Andá a la ferretería a comprar un rollo de cinta aislante.
If the box had holes in it, try to mend it with tape or anything. Si la caja estuviera agujereada, trate de remendarla con cinta, o lo que sea.
I will buy cassette tapes. Compraré cintas de cassette.
Don't expose the tapes to the sun. No expongas las cintas al sol.
Do you have any tape? ¿Tiene esparadrapo?
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