Sentence examples of "thanks so much" in English

I am hoarse from yelling so much. Estoy ronco por gritar tanto.
I am sorry I have imposed so much on you. Lamento haberte impuesto tanto.
Why did he ask for so much money? ¿Por qué pidió tanto dinero?
Thank you ever so much. Muchísimas gracias.
"He has so much money that he doesn't know how to spend it." "I wish I was in such a situation... I would know how to spend it." "Él tiene tanto dinero que no sabe cómo gastarlo." "Quisiera estar en una situación similar... yo sí sabría cómo gastarlo."
Don't make so much noise in the room. No hagas tanto ruido en la habitación.
It hurts so much. Duele tanto...
Ellipses have so much to hide.... Las elipses tienen tanto que ocultar...
I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour. Tengo tanto trabajo que me quedo una hora más.
Mary was jealous that Tom spent so much time with her friend Conchita. Mary estaba celosa de que Tom pasara tanto tiempo con su amiga Conchita.
What happened to make you laugh so much? ¿Qué pasó para que te rieras tanto?
I love the fact that you always seem to care so much. Me agrada el hecho de que siempre te parece importar tanto.
Why do you think Tom likes baseball so much? ¿Por qué crees que a Tom le gusta tanto el béisbol?
Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it. Los océanos no dividen el mundo sino que lo unen.
Mary can face death with so much serenity. Mary puede encarar a la muerte con tanta serenidad.
You shouldn't have eaten so much ice cream. No debiste haber comido tanto helado.
He stood beside me without so much as helping me. Él se quedó parado al lado mío sin siquiera ayudar.
I am sorry that I have troubled you so much. Lamento haberle ocasionado tantos problemas.
Tom was surprised that Mary had changed so much. Tom quedó sorprendido de que Mary haya cambiado tanto.
I love cats so much, I can't help it, I'm a crazy cat lover. Me gustan los gatos tanto, no puedo evitarlo, soy un amante loco de los gatos.
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