Sentence examples of "to that end" in English

The "subject" is the person or object to carry out the action in the sentence. Transformed to Japanese it would be the part that end in "wa" or "ga". El "sujeto" es la persona u objeto que lleva a cabo la acción de la frase. Pasado a Japonés sería la parte que acaba en "wa" o "ga".
She has some relation to that group. Ella tiene alguna relación con ese grupo.
This is superior to that. Esto es superior a eso.
This computer is superior to that one. Esta computadora es mejor que aquella.
She had a great attachment to that old house. Ella era muy apegada a esa vieja casa.
Tom thought it would be difficult for Mary to get a ticket to that concert. Tom pensó que sería difícil que Mary encontrara un boleto para ese concierto.
Christopher Columbus once sacrificed the corner of his hat to an Aztec god, bringing about years of prosperity to that god's village. Una vez, Cristóbal Colón sacrificó la esquina de su sombrero a un dios azteca, trayendo años de prosperidad al pueblo de éste.
We have to admit that our team is inferior to that of the United States. Hay que admitir que nuestro equipo es inferior a los Estados Unidos.
I wonder what happened to that lost child. Me pregunto qué le habrá pasado al niño perdido.
A man's will is nothing when compared to that of the heavens. La voluntad de un hombre no es nada comparada con la de los cielos.
This box is a different colour to that one. Esta caja es de un color distinto al de aquella.
I really liked attending to that school. Everyday, Gustavo would bring the guitar for us to play and sing during the break. Me gustaba mucho estudiar en ese colegio. Gustavo todos los días traía la guitarra para que tocáramos y cantáramos en el recreo.
I think this suit is much superior to that one in quality. Yo pienso que este traje supera mucho a aquel en calidad.
Tom has been going to that beach every summer since he was very young. Tom estuvo yendo a esa playa todos los veranos desde que era muy joven.
This one is similar to that one. Éste es parecido a aquel.
Don't go to that kind of a place at night. No vayas a ese tipo de lugar de noche.
I don't remember agreeing to that. No recuerdo haber accedido a eso.
The lady that is speaking to that boy is his teacher. La mujer que está hablando con ese chico es su profesora.
Don't listen to that man. No escuches a aquel hombre.
He decided to rent his property to that company. Él decidió alquilar su propiedad a esa empresa.
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