Sentence examples of "told" in English with translation "contarse"

They'll tell me in my room. Ven a contarme en mi habitación.
I have something good to tell you. Tengo algo bueno que contarte.
I can't tell you what happened. No puedo contarte lo que pasó.
I want to tell you the story. Quiero contarte la historia.
I would like to tell you something. Me gustaría contarte algo.
Come and tell me in my room. Ven a contarme en mi habitación.
He is going to tell me his story. Va a contarme su historia.
Let me tell you about the origin of this school. Déjame contarte a cerca de los orígenes de esta escuela
I cannot tell you everything that happened to me yesterday. No puedo contarte todo lo que me pasó ayer.
I can't tell you what we ended up doing. No puedo contarte lo que terminamos haciendo.
I've something interesting to tell you that you might find surprising. Tengo algo interesante que contarte que te podría parecer sorprendente.
It would be unethical for me to tell you about Tom's medical problems. Sería poco ético de mi parte contarte sobre los problemas médicos de Tom.
I'm not really a talkative person. It's just that I have a lot of things to tell you. No soy una persona especialmente habladora. Es sólo que tengo muchas cosas que contarte.
I go into the store, and who do I see? An American friend, who immediately begins to tell me what has been going on with him since we last met. Entro en la tienda, ¿y a quién veo? Un amigo americano, que inmediatamente empieza a contarme lo que ha sido de él desde que nos encontramos por última vez.
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