Sentence examples of "tone dialling" in English

Tom is dialling a number. Tom está marcando un número.
You don't have to use such a harsh tone with me. No tienes que usar un tono tan severo conmigo.
"I need some money," Dima said, with a tone of embarrassment. –Necesito algo de dinero –dijo Dima con tono avergonzado.
Did you pick up on that strange tone in his voice? ¿Te diste cuenta de ese tono extraño en su voz?
"No", he said in a decided tone. —No —dijo con tono decidido.
She interrogated me in an inquiring tone. Ella me interrogó con una voz inquisidora.
His tone lead me to think that he already knew. Su tono me llevó a pensar que ya lo sabía.
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