Sentence examples of "took refuge" in English

We took refuge in a cave and waited for the storm to pass. Nos refugiamos en una caverna y esperamos a que pasara la tormenta.
My room is an inviolable refuge. Mi habitación es un refugio inviolable.
It took me three hours to finish my homework. Tardé tres horas en acabar los deberes.
People took pity on the orphan. La gente se apiadó del huérfano.
He took the first prize. Él obtuvo el primer premio.
She took care of the child. Ella cuidó del niño.
She took over the business after her husband died. Ella se hizo cargo del negocio después de la muerte de su esposo.
He took the express for Tokyo. Él tomó el expreso con dirección a Tokio.
The doctor took my pulse. El médico me tomó el pulso.
Today the teacher took "Chinese culture" as a topic. Hoy el maestro escogió "la cultura china" como tema.
It is clear that Mike took the wrong bus. Está claro que Mike tomó el autobús equivocado.
Tom took the hook out of the fish's mouth. Tom quitó el anzuelo de la boca del pescado.
Japan's army took control of the government in Tokyo in late 1931. El ejército de Japón tomó control del gobierno de Tokio a finales de 1931.
The wedding took place in the Ritz Hotel. Se celebró la boda en el hotel Ritz.
I took down her telephone number in my notebook. Anoté su número de teléfono en mi agenda.
The opening ceremony took place yesterday. La ceremonia inaugural se realizó ayer.
It took them some time to get used to one another. Les llevó algo de tiempo acostumbrarse el uno al otro.
He yielded to temptation and took drugs. Él sucumbió a la tentación y consumió drogas.
The flight took us ten hours. El vuelo tardó diez horas.
Tom took some food home. Tom se llevó algo de comida a casa.
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