Sentence examples of "walks up" in English

A flight attendant walks up to the boys. Una azafata se acerca a los chicos.
She walked up to him and asked him what his name was. Ella se acercó a él y le preguntó cómo se llamaba.
I like taking walks in the woods. Me gusta dar paseos por el bosque.
Tom walks slowly. Tom camina lentamente.
He often walks with his hand in his pocket. Suele caminar con la mano en el bolsillo.
He always walks with a rifle. Siempre anda con un rifle.
Tom likes to take walks in the woods. A Tom le gusta dar paseos por el bosque.
Tom almost always walks to work. Tom casi siempre camina al trabajo.
She always walks with a light step. Ella siempre camina a paso ligero.
You can go for walks on the hills. Puedes ir de paseo en las colinas.
He walks slowly. Él camina despacio.
He likes taking walks. Le gusta pasear.
Tom walks very slowly. Tom camina muy lentamente.
Tom walks about fifteen miles a day. Tom camina unas quince millas al día.
He who reads often and walks often, sees much and knows much. El que lee mucho y anda mucho, ve mucho y sabe mucho.
A dog barks; a man walks. El perro ladra, el hombre camina.
She worships him and the ground he walks on. Ella le idolatra a él y a la tierra que pisa.
He walks to school. Él camina a la escuela.
My sister usually walks to school. Mi hermana suele irse a pie a la escuela.
He walks his dog every morning. Él pasea a su perro cada mañana.
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