Sentence examples of "wallet" in English

He had his wallet stolen. Le robaron la cartera.
Just give him the wallet. Solo entrégale la billetera.
That man stole my wallet. Aquel hombre me robó la cartera.
My wallet was stolen yesterday. Ayer me robaron mi billetera.
I had my wallet stolen. Me robaron la cartera.
He stole money from her wallet. Él robó dinero de su billetera.
I'm looking for a wallet. Estoy buscando una cartera.
Tom's wallet is almost empty. La billetera de Tom está casi vacía.
Tom left his wallet at home. Tom se dejó la cartera en casa.
Tom found a wallet on the sidewalk. Tom encontró una billetera en la acera.
Where did you find this wallet? ¿Dónde has encontrado esta cartera?
He suddenly noticed his wallet was missing. Repentinamente notó que le faltaba su billetera.
My wallet and passport are missing. Me faltan el pasaporte y la cartera.
Tom realized that he had lost his wallet. Tom se dio cuenta de que había perdido su billetera.
I think I lost my wallet. Creo que se me perdió la cartera.
Tom had his wallet stolen on the train. A Tom le robaron su billetera en el tren.
I left the keys with my wallet. Dejé las llaves con mi cartera.
Wasn't it him who stole your wallet? ¿Acaso no fue él quien te robó la billetera?
That guy stole my wallet! Stop him! ¡Ese tipo me robó mi cartera! ¡Deténganlo!
Tom can't remember where he put his wallet. Tom no puede recordar dónde puso su billetera.
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