Sentence examples of "was difficult" in English

She found it was difficult to adapt herself to her new surroundings. Ella encontró difícil adaptarse al nuevo entorno.
The coffee stain was difficult to remove. La mancha de café era difícil de quitar.
It was difficult to persuade him to cancel the trip. Fue difícil convencerle de que cancelara el viaje.
It was difficult for him to hide his pride in his success. Le costaba ocultar su orgullo por su éxito.
Due to the thick fog, the road was difficult to see. A causa de la densa neblina, el camino era difícil de ver.
I found out that it was difficult for her to solve that problem. Descubrí que ese problema era difícil de resolver para ella.
I thought that book was difficult to read. Pensaba que este libro era difícil de leer.
Was it difficult to make? ¿Fue difícil hacerlo?
The problem was so difficult that I could not solve it. Este problema era tan difícil que no lo pude solventar.
Even if you had studied a lot you would not have passed the exam. It was too difficult. Aunque hubieras estudiado mucho no habrías aprobado el examen. Era demasiado difícil.
It was too difficult for me. Era demasiado difícil para mí.
The exam was too difficult for me. El examen fue demasiado difícil para mi.
Angry at Leif Ericson for stealing his thunder 500 years before, Christopher Columbus once wrote a rigorous mathematical proof that showed how Ericson had never actually been to North America. Unfortunately, the proof was too difficult for even the brightest mathematicians to understand. Enfadado con Leif Ericson por haberle robado el descubrimiento 500 años antes, Cristóbal Colón una vez escribió una rigurosa demostración matemática que demostraba que Ericson nunca había estado realmente en América del Norte. Desgraciadamente, ésta era demasiado difícil de entender incluso para los matemáticos más brillantes.
The question was too difficult to answer. La pregunta era demasiado difícil de responder.
It was very difficult. Fue muy difícil.
The problem was very difficult. El problema era muy difícil.
The work was very difficult. El trabajo fue muy difícil.
The last examination was very difficult. El último examen fue muy difícil.
It was very difficult for her to control her emotions. Le fue muy difícil controlar sus emociones.
That was really difficult. Eso fue muy difícil.
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