Sentence examples of "was time" in English

All he wanted was time to finish his painting. Todo lo que él quería era tiempo para terminar su pintura.
Jane said that it was time to go home. Jane dijo que era hora de irse a casa.
Tom realized it was time to go. Tom se dio cuenta de que era hora de irse.
Tom decided it was time to go to sleep. Tom decidió que era hora de irse a dormir.
There was a time when kings and queens reigned over the world. Hubo una época en que reyes y reinas dominaban el mundo.
There was a time when Christopher Columbus challenged another explorer to a duel. The latter, an underhanded chap, did not take ten steps - as dictated by the rules - but two, then turned around to shoot. Unfortunately for him, Columbus hadn't taken any steps at all. Hubo una vez en la que Cristóbal Colón desafió a un duelo a otro explorador. El último, un tipo poco honrado, no dio diez pasos como marcan las reglas, sino dos; entonces se giró y disparó. Desgraciadamente para él, Colón no había dado ni un solo paso.
Fortunately, I was on time. Afortunadamente, llegué a tiempo.
He was in time for the appointment. Él llegó a tiempo a la cita.
I had to attend two meetings yesterday, and there was no time to have lunch between. Tuve que ir a dos reuniones ayer, y no tuve tiempo de almorzar.
John's parents seemed relieved to hear that his plane was on time. Los padres de Tom parecían aliviados de oír que su avión venía a tiempo.
I was on time for dinner. Llegué a tiempo para la cena.
Being lucky, he was in time for the train. Con suerte, él llegó a tiempo para tomar el tren.
That was the time when he came. Fue entonces cuando él vino.
I ran as fast as possible, but I was not in time for the last train. Corrí tanto como pude pero no llegué a tiempo al último tren.
Unfortunately I was not in time for his speech. Desafortunadamente yo no llegué a tiempo para su discurso.
Tom couldn't believe it was already time to go home. Tom no podía creer que ya era hora de irse a casa.
I was just in time for class. Llegué a clase justo a tiempo.
I was just in time for the flight. Llegué justo a tiempo para el vuelo.
I was just in time for the last train. Llegué justo a tiempo para el último tren.
When was the last time you switched on this machine? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que encendiste esta máquina?
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