Sentence examples of "wedding" in English

Mary often imagines her wedding. Mary se imagina a menudo su boda.
We uploaded the pictures from our wedding on Facebook. Pusimos las fotos de nuestro casamiento en Facebook.
She was late at her wedding. Ella llegó tarde a su propia boda.
Put away the dress in the box after the wedding. Guarde el vestido en la caja después del casamiento.
When did the wedding take place? ¿Cuándo se celebró la boda?
The wedding was celebrated at ten. La boda se celebró a las diez.
Tom took his wedding ring off. Tom se quitó su anillo de bodas.
Tom took off his wedding ring. Tom se quitó su anillo de bodas.
I was invited to their wedding. Me invitaron a su boda.
She was a bridesmaid at the wedding. Ella fue dama de honor en la boda.
Tom went to a wedding last weekend. Tom fue a una boda la semana pasada.
My cousin invited me to her wedding. Mi prima me invitó a su boda.
The wedding will take place on Saturday. La boda tendrá lugar el sábado.
We were all present at her wedding. Todos estuvimos presentes en su boda.
He was late at his own wedding. Él llegó tarde a su propia boda.
He trimmed his beard for the wedding. Recortó su barba para la boda.
Have you been invited to their wedding? ¿Te han invitado a su boda?
She couldn't go to the wedding. Ella no pudo ir a la boda.
We celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary yesterday. Ayer celebramos el décimo aniversario de nuestra boda.
The wedding took place in the Ritz Hotel. Se celebró la boda en el hotel Ritz.
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