Sentence examples of "were wrong" in English

You were wrong to refuse his help. Cometiste un error al rechazar su ayuda.
I regret saying that you were wrong. Me arrepiento de haber dicho que estabas equivocado.
It was you that were wrong. eras el que estaba equivocado.
You were wrong after all. Estabas equivocado después de todo.
The confused travelers realized they were headed toward the wrong town. Los confundidos viajeros se dieron cuenta de que se dirigían a la ciudad equivocada.
The greater part of the guests were foreigners. La mayor parte de los invitados eran extranjeros.
Tom doesn't see any wrong with letting Mary learn to drive. Tom no ve nada de malo en dejar que Mary aprenda a conducir.
She loves the child as if it were her own. Ella quiere al niño como si fuera el suyo propio.
You're asking the wrong person. Le estás preguntando a la persona equivocada.
Two seats were vacant. Había dos sitios libres.
"In my opinion," said the younger brother, "you are wrong." "Según mi opinión", dijo el hermano menor, "tú estás equivocado".
The shoes were made of some soft stuff that looked like leather. Los zapatos estaban hechos de un material suave que parecía cuero.
It appears that I was wrong about that. Parece que me equivocaba sobre eso.
I thought you were happy. Pensé que eras feliz.
You're going the wrong way. Van en la dirección equivocada.
Where were you? ¿Dónde estabas?
It is a difficult task, choosing what is "right" or "wrong", but you have to do it. Es una tarea difícil elegir qué está "bien" o "mal", pero has de hacerlo.
While we were discussing the situation, Terri broke in to give her opinion. Mientras discutíamos la situación, Terri nos interrumpió para dar su opinión.
Even a child knows right from wrong. Hasta un niño sabe distinguir el bien del mal.
The hills were covered with snow. Las colinas estaban cubiertas de nieve.
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