Sentence examples of "word 7" in English

Just a word can do harm to a person. Una simple palabra puede herir a una persona.
He would be the last man to break his word. Él sería la última persona en romper su palabra.
Mary was wondering whether she counted for Tom as a mere word or as a real person. Mary se preguntaba si para Tom ella era una simple palabra o una auténtica persona.
What's your favorite curse word? ¿Cuál es tu palabrota favorita?
At the end of the speech she repeated the word. Al final del discurso, ella repitió la palabra.
Look up the word in your dictionary. Busca la palabra en tu diccionario.
That word is very hard to translate. Esa palabra es muy difícil de traducir.
'Philosophy' is a Greek word that means the love of wisdom. 'Filosofía' es una palabra griega que significa amor a la sabiduría.
If you don't know the meaning of a word, look it up in a dictionary. Si no sabes qué significa una palabra, búscala en un diccionario.
The word fugusha ("disabled") might be insulting. La palabra fugusha ("descapacitado") puede ser despectiva.
It is very important to keep your word. Es muy importante que cumplas tu palabra.
We've had no word from Brian yet. Todavía no hemos tenido noticias de Brian.
In a word, life is short. En una palabra, la vida es corta.
Every word in this dictionary is important. Cada palabra en este diccionario es importante.
What does that word mean? ¿Qué significa esa palabra?
Tom couldn't understand a single word of what Mary said. Tom no pudo entender una sola palabra de lo que dijo Mary.
You should always keep your word. Deberías mantener siempre tu palabra.
Nothing can take an American by surprise. It has often been said that the word "impossible" was not a French one. People have obviously looked in the wrong dictionary. In America, all is easy, all is simple and mechanical difficulties are overcome before they arise. Nada puede pillar por sorpresa a un estadounidense. A menudo se ha dicho que la palabra "imposible" no era francesa. Obviamente, la gente miró en el diccionario equivocado. En Estados Unidos, todo es fácil, todo es simple y las dificultades mecánicas se solucionan antes de surgir.
If you are not sure about the meaning of the word, look it up in your dictionary. Si no estás seguro del significado de una palabra, búscala en tu diccionario.
I'm not sure how to pronounce the word. No estoy seguro de cómo pronunciar la palabra.
Examples of word usage in different contexts are provided solely for linguistic purposes, i.e. to study word usage in a sentence in one language and how they can be translated into another. All samples are automatically collected from a variety of publicly available open sources using bilingual search technologies.
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