Sentence examples of "young" in English with translation "jóvenes"

They're young and healthy. Son jóvenes y saludables.
The two young girls smiled happily. Las dos muchachas jóvenes sonrieron felizmente.
Most young people have mobile phones. La mayoría de los jóvenes tienen celulares.
Many young men went to war. Muchos jóvenes fueron a la guerra.
They married when they were young. Se casaron cuando eran jóvenes.
He sat surrounded by young girls. Se sentó rodeado de chicas jóvenes.
Many young Romans went to Greece. Muchos jóvenes romanos fueron a Grecia.
Young parents often indulge their children. Los padres jóvenes suelen mimar a los niños.
In the war, many people died young. En la guerra, muchas personas murieron jóvenes.
His novels are popular among young people. Sus novelas son populares entre los jóvenes.
Many young people in Spain are unemployed. Muchos jóvenes en España son desempleados.
Dozens of young people attended the demonstration. Docenas de jóvenes asistieron a la manifestación.
Rock is the music of the young. El rock es la música de los jóvenes.
Japanese young people like rock and jazz. A los jóvenes japoneses les gusta el rock y el jazz.
This restaurant is full of young couples. Este restaurante está lleno de parejas jóvenes.
The shop was crowded with young people. La tienda estaba abarrotada de jóvenes.
He likes being surrounded by young people. A él le gusta estar rodeado de jóvenes.
They got married when they were still young. Se casaron cuando aún eran jóvenes.
As usual with young girls, Alice loves chocolate. Como es común con las muchachas jóvenes, a Alice le encanta el chocolate.
Many young people were present at the party. Muchos jóvenes asistieron a la fiesta.
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