Sentence examples of "À ta place" in French

Si j'étais à ta place, je ne ferais pas cela. If I were in your place, I would not do so.
Si j'étais à ta place, je lui prêterais main forte. If I were in your place, I would lend him a hand.
À ta place, je suivrais son conseil. If I were you, I'd follow his advice.
Je ne le ferais pas si j'étais à ta place. I wouldn't do it if I were you.
Tu ne peux pas payer quelqu'un pour dormir à ta place. You can't pay someone to sleep for you.
Tu devrais laisser un programme informatique générer tes mots de passe à ta place. You should let a computer program generate your passwords for you.
À ta place, je ne le ferais pas. If I were you, I would not do it.
À ta place, j'accepterais sa proposition. If I were you, I would accept his offer.
Si j'étais à ta place, je ferais la même chose. If I were in your situation, I would do the same thing.
Personne ne parlera à ta place. No one will speak for you.
Je détesterais être à ta place. I'd hate to be in your shoes.
Retourne à ta place. Go back to your seat.
Tu n'es qu'un sous-fifre. Connais ta place ! You're just an underling. Know your place!
Je ne peux pas répondre à ta question. I can not answer your question.
Dis "bonjour" à ta soeur de ma part. Say hello to your sister for me.
Transmets mes plus sincères salutations à ta mère. Please give my kindest regards to your mother.
Tu n'as pas mangé le gâteau que j'ai préparé, contrairement à ta soeur. You didn't eat the cake I made; your sister did.
Fais ton travail à ta manière. Do your work in your own way.
Dis bonjour à ta femme s'il te plaît. Please say hello to your wife.
Ma voiture est à ta disposition. My car is at your disposal.
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