Sentence examples of "être fatigué" in French

Translations: all39 be39
Tu dois être fatigué après un si long voyage. You must be tired after such a long trip.
Je suis fatigué du travail. I am tired of the work.
Tu es fatigué, et moi aussi. You are tired, and so am I.
Je suis fatigué de mon travail. I am tired of my work.
Je suis fatigué de courir vite. I am tired from running fast.
Je suis fatigué de la marche. I am tired with walking.
Je suis fatigué de l'entendre. I am tired of hearing it.
Il est fatigué de regarder la télévision. He is tired of watching television.
Il est fatigué à cause du surmenage. He is tired from overwork.
Tom était fatigué et de mauvaise humeur. Tom was tired and in a bad mood.
Il était fatigué par sa longue marche. He was tired from his long walk.
Étant fatigué il est allé au lit. Since he was tired, he went to bed.
Vous êtes fatigué, n'est-ce pas ? You are tired, aren't you?
Je suis fatigué d'écouter son long discours. I am tired of listening to his long speech.
Jack était fatigué par cinquante miles de marche. Jack was tired from having walked fifty miles.
Il était fatigué mais il continuait à travailler. He was tired, but he kept on working.
Comme il était fatigué, il se coucha tôt. Since he was tired, he went to bed early.
Il était fatigué, il alla donc au lit. He was tired so he went to bed.
Il était fatigué, mais il continua à travailler. He was tired, but he kept working.
Brosse-toi les dents, même si tu es fatigué. Brush your teeth, however sleepy you are.
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